balin / com.github.epadronu.balin.core / Page / at


open val at: Browser.() -> Any

Defines an optional implicit verification to be checked as soon as the browser navigates to the page.

Useful for performing early failure.

// Given the Kotlin's website index page with content elements
class IndexPage(browser: Browser) : Page(browser) {

    override val url = ""

    override val at = at {
        title == "Kotlin Programming Language"

    val navItems by lazy {
        `$`("a.nav-item", 0..2).map { it.text }

    val tryItBtn by lazy {
        `$`(".try-button", 0).text

    val features by lazy {
        `$`("li.kotlin-feature", 3, 2, 1, 0).`$`("h3:nth-child(2)", 0..3).map {
} {
    // When I visit such page and get the content's elements
    to(::IndexPage).run {
        // Then I should get the navigation items
        assertEquals(navItems, listOf("Learn", "Community", "Try Online"))

        // And I should get the try-it button
        assertEquals(tryItBtn, "Try online")

        // And I should get the coolest features
        assertEquals(features, listOf("Concise", "Safe", "Interoperable", "Tool-friendly").reversed())
@JvmStatic fun at(block: Browser.() -> Any): Browser.() -> Any

This method eases the definition of a page's implicit at verification.

// Given the Kotlin's website index page with content elements
class IndexPage(browser: Browser) : Page(browser) {

    override val url = ""

    override val at = at {
        title == "Kotlin Programming Language"

    val navItems by lazy {
        `$`("a.nav-item", 0..2).map { it.text }

    val tryItBtn by lazy {
        `$`(".try-button", 0).text

    val features by lazy {
        `$`("li.kotlin-feature", 3, 2, 1, 0).`$`("h3:nth-child(2)", 0..3).map {
} {
    // When I visit such page and get the content's elements
    to(::IndexPage).run {
        // Then I should get the navigation items
        assertEquals(navItems, listOf("Learn", "Community", "Try Online"))

        // And I should get the try-it button
        assertEquals(tryItBtn, "Try online")

        // And I should get the coolest features
        assertEquals(features, listOf("Concise", "Safe", "Interoperable", "Tool-friendly").reversed())


block - context within which you can interact with the browser.

The block unchanged.