balin / com.github.epadronu.balin.core / Browser / drive


fun drive(driverFactory: () -> WebDriver = desiredConfiguration.driverFactory, autoQuit: Boolean = desiredConfiguration.autoQuit, block: Browser.() -> Unit): Unit

This method represents the entry point for the Domain-Specific Language which Balin is built around.

drive is the main abstraction layer for Selenium-WebDriver. Inside the block it receives as parameter, you can interact with the driver and use all the features Balin has to offer.

// Given the Kotlin's website index page URL
val indexPageUrl = "" {
    // When I visit such URL
    // Then I should change the browser's URL to the given one
    assertEquals(to(indexPageUrl), indexPageUrl)

    // And I should get the title of the Kotlin's website index page
    assertEquals(title, "Kotlin Programming Language")


driverFactory - provides the driver on which the navigation and interactions will be performed.

autoQuit - indicates if the driver should quit at the end of the block.

block - here you interact with the driver alongside of Balin's assistance.

fun drive(configuration: Configuration, block: Browser.() -> Unit): Unit

This method represents the entry point for the Domain-Specific Language which Balin is built around.

drive is the main abstraction layer for Selenium-WebDriver. Inside the block it receives as parameter, you can interact with the driver and use all the features Balin has to offer.

// Given the Kotlin's website index page URL
val indexPageUrl = "" {
    // When I visit such URL
    // Then I should change the browser's URL to the given one
    assertEquals(to(indexPageUrl), indexPageUrl)

    // And I should get the title of the Kotlin's website index page
    assertEquals(title, "Kotlin Programming Language")


configuration - defines Balin's local behavior for block only.

block - here you interact with the driver alongside of Balin's assistance.